Dr. Irene Gil-Fariña

Head of Research and Development

Irene Gil-Farina, PhD serves as Head of Research and Development at GeneWerk.

More about Dr. Irene Gil-Fariña

With over 10 years of experience in the cell and gene therapy field and a track record of >15 peer-reviewed publications, her expertise focuses on the investigation of gene therapy vector persistence and the associated host responses along with the development of novel tools and bioanalytical assays to address them. In addition to her under-and post-graduate trainings as research scientist in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine, she holds an international PhD since 2014 (University of Navarra, Spain). She acquired a strong background on the AAV vector usage as tools to model and investigate liver diseases, as well as delivery vectors for immunoestimulatory citokines to treat hepatic disorders such as HCC or chronic HBV. This provided a solid basis for her post-doctorate training at the German Cancer Research Center leading research on gene therapy vector persistence in (pre)clinical studies and the analysis of host immune responses together with the development of tools to investigate both phenomena.

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